
GPT32 - Cerro Castillo

6040 bytes añadidos, 17 febrero
Recent Alerts and Suggestions
==Recent Alerts and Suggestions==
* 10-Feb-2024 / Hiking / SOBO / 4 days / RR + Option B (attempted) / Ella & Cristopher
Day 1, we walked through the sections of private property without running into anyone, but met other local hikers a bit afterwards who said they have previously had problems with one of the landowners on the route we took, and that he has now installed cameras. Got to the section with the traverse and attempted to take Option B - definitely do not recommend this option. It took us about 2 hours to walk less than a mile on the super steep and loose dirt/skree. Multiple dangerous moments. Part of this option also seems to pass through dense forest which looked difficult to bushwhack, but we didn't make it that far before turning back as it was getting late with no end in sight. We camped right at the beginning of Option B, where there is a flatter patch and stream that you can walk down to. It was a good view, but we realized later that a better and equally beautiful place to camp would have been where the land plateaus a bit and there are multiple small streams, on the RR about a km after you pass the start of Option B.
Day 2, we woke up to super windy and rainy conditions, and waited for it to clear until about 3 pm before starting the traverse. The RR turned out to be a relatively safer route than Option B, though we were still glad we waited for the bad weather to pass before attempting. Followed advice from Veronica at the difficult parts, which worked well for us. Definitely budget extra time for this stretch. Camped right after the traverse when it drops down to the river, which you follow to cross the first pass. The area doesn't get a lot of sun so it was really cold at night, but still a nice place to camp with flat spots and a river.
Day 3, trail before uniting with the CONAF area was difficult to follow at points and slow because you are walking a lot on loose rocks. We were very confused when reaching a waterfall with no visible trail, but a few cairns about. Following advice from Will, we crossed the river just before the waterfall to go up the left side of the valley. Climb through the trees and then cross a few meters of steep loose dirt/skree, and you should be able to see where the trail then continues in the forest. Some bushwhacking after this but relatively easy to follow GPS track until linking with the CONAF Las Horquetas trail. Camped in El Bosque Camping which had a toilet but no water tap (though there is a river close by).
Day 4, relatively easy and super beautiful walking all day. We took the RR all the way to the road, which does in fact avoid the CONAF checkpoint so we never had to pay. Ran into other hikers who said CONAF is only charging when you leave the park. Got very lucky with a hitch to Villa Cerro Castillo, but I would not count on it and the road gets a lot of sun and I didn't see a water source. Bus from Villa Cerro Castillo leaves at 6 pm and goes to Coyhaique for 9.000.
* Feb 2023 Frank
There is no need for any rock climbing on this route. After the gully where you climb out on grass (described by Veronica) there are two rock bands running perpendicular to the route. You can go below both of them & bypass them at treeline.
* 05-Apr-2023 / Hiking / SOBO / Martin & Helena
We really enjoyed this one. It's definitely worth waiting for good weather, not only for safe traverse of the steep part in the northern part of the park and following obstacles that are quite demanding but also for the viewsthat were just incredible. Starting from Villa Frei in the late afternoon, we made it on that day to the turn before Lago La Paloma, where we camped right behind a fence, before a little river, that you need to cross to follow the RR. There are 2 settlements, but still far enough, so no problem. You have to cross one fence and a gate on the way up. To avoid right-of-way conflict, we followed Cristopher & Anna's advice (thanks guys!) and turned right after the first gate behind the beginning of the optional trail. From there you just need to follow MR, cross a few gates and you will end up on a fenced field with bee hives on one side. Crossing them will take you directly to RR, so no bush-bashing is necessary. From there, the trail is pretty straightforward. We liked the view from Option B viewpoint and in good conditions it must be a perfect spot for camping, definitely doable in one day. The steep traverse didn't feel that dangerous for us, but we had really good conditions. The next obstacle, already described by others, is at the end of the traverse. We followed there a small ridge that will take you to the beginning of the grass parts. It's a little steep, but doable. From there we followed the grass parts, which create almost 'stairs' allowing you to climb up. It's again steep, but you can use your hands to pull yourself up, holding the grass patches. After that is the last challenging part, a rock that you need to climb over. We got there already after sunset and without an option to explore the best and safest way over, we decided to follow the old overgrown trail, that descends down without the need to climb over the rock. It seemed to be hard in the beginning, but after we got through the first few trees (without any leaves, just branches), we found a little strip without them, that takes you all the way down to the river, where we camped. It took us around 15 min to get down, so it might be a good alternative. From there you just need to walk through a little part of the forest and then continue by the river, so you are actually avoiding also the descent down, which some described as challenging as well.
Starting from Villa Frei After the first marked pass and descent in rocky terrain, the late afternoonCC part connects to an old trail, we made it on that day to the turn before Lago La Paloma, where we camped right behind later becomes a fence, before a little river, that you need MR. The connection was easy to cross to follow find by following the RRGPS. There are 2 settlements, but still far enough, so We had no problem. You have to cross one fence and a gate on problems passing around the way up. To avoid right-of-way conflictrangers house, we followed Cristopher & Anna's advice (thanks guys!) and turned right after again by following the track files, at first gate behind through the beginning of forest and later around the optional trailriver. From there you just need the trail connects to follow MR, cross a few gates and you will end up on a fenced field with bee hives on one side. Crossing them will take you directly to RR, so no bush-bashing is necessary. From there, the trail is pretty straightforwardofficial way which makes navigation easy. We liked spent the view from Option B viewpoint and night in good conditions it must be a perfect spot for campingthe official campsite around 2 km before Laguna Carro Castillo, definitely doable in which is the only one dayopen. The steep traverse didn't feel that dangerous for usThere were 5-6 other tents, but we had really good conditionsno ranger. The next obstacleday the weather got way way worse, already described by others, is at which made us skip the end last pass and go down from the laguna via one of the traverseofficial routes. We followed there met a small ridge that will take you to ranger on the beginning of the grass parts. It's a little steep, but doable. From there we followed the grass parts, which create almost 'stairs' allowing you to climb way up. It's again steep, but you can use your hands pointing us to pull yourself up, holding the grass patches. After that is the last challenging partofficial trail around yellow cairns, a rock that you need to climb oversign off from the park. We got there already after sunset and without an option With no intention to explore pay on our way from the best and safest way overpark, we decided to follow the actually followed some old overgrown trail, that descends down without the need (according to climb over the rock. It seemed to be hard in the beginning, but after old signs we got through the first few trees (without any leaves, just branchesmet), we found a little strip without them, that takes you all the way down took us to the rivermain road, where we campedright in front of the bridge. It took us around 15 min We had to get downcross one fence, so it might be a good alternativebut no other problem. From there you just need to walk through It's a little part of forest faster and then continue by safe way from the river, so you are actually avoiding also the descent down, which some described as challenging as wellpark.
Day 3 - Cerro Castillo - 11km - +800m/-1500m
The pass after Cerro Castillo was closed due to the wind. If you want to go to the other side, you have to get down at the park entrance and to go up again at the other entrance. We just went to the town. The regular route going down from there, from the Cerro Castillo, is not the one on the GPT. Actually, it goes more on the west side. At the end, there is a guardaparque, we checked out (even though we didn’t checked in) but no need to pay. Fortunately. Luck was with us.
* Feb 17 RR 3 days SOBO Frank
Walked from Villa Frei. After about 12KM there is a food truck next to the road. Owners live there so should open for you. The owner of the private land wasn't there so had no access issues. You can camp in a big meadow @ 1250 metres or in good weather at a pass @ about 1325 metres (not marked on track file) just before the difficult CC section begins. Followed Veronica's advice to get up the gully on grass which worked well, thanks Veronica. There is no need for any rock climbing on this route. After the gully there are two rock bands running perpendicular to the route. You can go below both of them & bypass them at treeline. The second bypass is not very obvious but stay at the treeline & you will get through easily. After the pass, descending scree you come to a waterfall. Go left into the forest immediately before the waterfall - you may see a small cairn marking the spot. Just footprints at first but pick up a small trail as you go in.
Leaving the park the RR to the left goes through private land. The optional route straight down is now the main trail, it goes down to a checkpoint just before the road. Checkpoint is at a stile over a fence so can't be avoided. It is run as a private 'concession' from CONAF. The workers were friendly & didn't charge me anything. However next year the concession will be run by a different company so depends who is there.
* 15.02.23 -18.02.23 / Anna & Christopher / SOBO
====Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route====
[[File:profile GPT32.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]
====Elevation Profile of Regular Packrafting Route====
[[File:profile GPT32-p.PNG|frame|center|Elevation Profile of Regular Hiking Route (2019)]]
==Section Planning Status==
==Recommended Travel Period==
==Access to Route and Return==
===Access to Start===
Buses to Villa Frei from Coyhaique bus terminal: Monday 7:30, 8:15, 15:30, 17:00, 19:30 Tuesday to Friday 8:15, 15:30, 17:30, 19:30 Saturday 08:00. No bus on Sunday. It takes about 30 minutes to get to Villa Frei & the bus generally turns around immediately & goes back to Coyhaique.
===Return from Finish===
===Escape Options===