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GPT25H (Aldea Escolar)

558 bytes añadidos, 23:03 1 sep 2023
Season 2022/23
==Season 2022/23==
*General Information :
The Regular Route is best hiked from November to April.
Hiking in either a northbound or southbound direction is feasible and recommended.
The section is 40km long and takes about a day and a half to complete.
Due to the ocasional overgrown state of the trail, bush bashing is required in several places and progress is a bit slow in many other places. However, the trail has been passable throughout.
There are panoramic views, and an openness not common in adjacent sections. There are also a few kms of interesting bamboo forest.
* 2023-Mar-05 / SOBO / RR + 25H-F and 25H-01 / 1.5 days / Martin & Helena

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