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Greater Patagonian Trail

111 bytes añadidos, 21:32 14 jul 2017
Statements about the GPT by Hikers and Packrafters
[[File:GPT_Fjord_Packrafting.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT28: Reaching the sea after paddling down the Río Palena. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:GPT09-Laguna_de_las_Lajas.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT16: Circling the volcano Antuco that dammed-up the Laguna de Las Lajas. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
[[File:GPT18-Lago_Pirihueco.jpg|thumb|500px|GPT18: Camping at the shore of Lago Pirihueco. Image: Jan Dudeck]]
===Understanding the Trail===

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