
Greater Patagonian Trail

70 bytes añadidos, 23:25 29 jun 2017
Lauren "Neon" Reed comparing the GPT with the US Long Distance Trails (CDT, PCT, AT)
There won't always be what you may want in town to eat or even a place to stay with hot water. Knowing at least basic Spanish language skills is a must if you want to feel connected or informed in any of the areas you go through. Any effort of understanding the culture and land goes a long way. Thankfully, I have a basic understanding which has grown over our trek and my hiking partner is fluent in cultural sensitivities as well as the Spanish language. ​As Jan states, you are an uninvited guest on others' land at times- tread respectfully and carefully- Most of the time, they will respond in kind."
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===Remark to the Limits of Patagonia===