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Greater Patagonian Trail

122 bytes añadidos, 09:45 25 may 2017
GPT Zones
| A
| Zona Precordillera
| AnyBoth ↓↑| AnyBoth ↓↑
| From GPT01 to GPT04
| B
| Zona Arrieros
| Any Both ↓↑ (1)| Any Both ↓↑ (1)
| From GPT05 to GPT09
| C
| Zona Pehuenche
| AnyBoth ↓↑| AnyBoth ↓↑
| From GPT08 to GPT16
| D
| Zona Rios y Lagos Chilenos
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Any Both ↓↑ (2)
| From GPT17H/GPT17P to GPT22
| E
| Zona Rios y Lagos Argentinos
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Exclusively Southbound Only ↓ (3)
| From GPT23 to GPT26
| F
| Zona Palena
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Exclusively Southbound Only ↓ (3)
| GPT27H, GPT27P, GPT28P and GPT30P
| G
| Zona Aysen Sector Norte
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Preferably Southbound Preferable ↓ (4)
| GPT28H, GPT29H, GPT29P, GPT30H, GPT31H and GPT31P
| H
| Zona Aysen Sector Sur
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Preferably Southbound Preferable ↓ (4)
| From GPT32 to GPT37H/GPT37P
| I
| Zona Campo de Hielo Sur Sector Norte
| AnyBoth ↓↑| Any Both ↓↑ (2)
| From GPT37H/GPT37P to GPT40
| M
| Zona Yelcho
| Not PossibleNone| Any <br> Preferable ← (North-West or South-West5)
| From GPT70P to GPT75P
| N
| Zona Costa
| Not PossibleNone| AnyBoth ↓↑
| From GPT76P to GPT78P
(2) Depending on the direction of travel different rivers may be partially packrafted. <br>
(3) Due to the flow direction of the incorporated rivers only southbound travel is feasible. <br>
(4) Recommendation based on predominant wind direction on lakes and the flow direction of the majority of incorporated rivers. <br>(5) See detailed information and recommendation to individual sections.

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