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Greater Patagonian Trail

468 bytes añadidos, 14:20 27 jul 2014
{| class="wikitable"
! Trail Type
! Number or /Letter
! Comment
| Cross countryCountry
| 0
| No visisble visible trailthough open landscape|-| Hiking or Horse Trail| 1| Mostly visible trail|-| Minor Dirt Road| 2| Also abandoned roads or closed private roads|-| Mayor Dirt Road| 3| Public dirt roads with moderate traffic|-| Paved Road| 4| Few shorter segments at the start or finish of a sections|-| Lake (Packraft)| L| Alternative options available if not carrying a packraft|-| River (Packraft)| R| Alternative options available if not carrying a packraft|-| Sea (Packraft)| S| Alternative options available if not carrying a packraft|-| Ferry| F| |-| To be verfied| ?| Remains to be hiked and recorded by GPS to update the trail file. Alternative option available if not in explorers mood.|-| Options and Alternatives| X| Appendix
* 0: (no visible trail)
* 1: Hiking trail or horse trail
* 2: Minor dirt road with no or insignificant traffic (also abandoned road or closed private road)
* 3: Mayor dirt road with moderate traffic
* 4: Paved road
*?: Not verified trail section (Remains to be hiked and recorded by GPS to update the trail file)
* L: Lake (Packraft)

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